MCEDV Presents Milestone Report re: Responding to People Who Commit Abuse 

On February 3, 2021, the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV) appeared before the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety to present our report, “Initial Findings on the Effectiveness of Maine’s Certified Batterer Intervention Programs.” After an introduction from partners at the Department of Corrections, MCEDV’s Violence Prevention & Intervention Coordinator…

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MCEDV Recognizes Attorney, Advocates
as 2020 Champions of Change

AUGUSTA – As Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to an end, the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV) recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly towards creating safety and justice for domestic abuse and violence survivors its Champions of Change Awards. The awards were given virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first honoree is…

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Maine Women’s Fund Grant to Support MCEDV Member Programs

MCEDV is pleased to be the recipient of $27,791 through the Maine Women’s Fund’s Safety First for Women’s Fund. The money will be distributed directly to MCEDV’s nine member programs throughout the state to support their efforts to keep survivors of domestic abuse and violence safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Maine Women’s Fund Executive Director…

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MCEDV Calls for Racial Justice

Breonna Taylor. Tony McDade. George Floyd. For too long, we have been naming black people murdered by police in America. Their deaths ripple outward to children robbed of their parents, to partners grieving their loved ones, to colleagues mourning their coworkers, and to friends left alone. Every time an officer kills a black person, entire…

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MCEDV Responds to COVID-19

In this unprecedented time, we are collectively having to adapt our ways of being and operating rapidly in order to minimize the damage done by COVID-19. At the same time, we here at the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence know that the virus is not the only potentially lethal threat faced in our communities.…

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Violence Against Women Act Bills Introduced in Senate

On November 13th, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 (S. 2843) was introduced in the Senate. S. 2843, sponsored by Sen. Diane Feinstein and co-sponsored by Maine Senator Angus King, is the VAWA that Maine survivors need.  This Bill Explicitly clarifies the right of Maine tribes to hold non-native offenders accountable for domestic violence and sexual…

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Statewide Domestic Violence Awareness Events 2019

This October, communities across Maine will recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Download the full statewide list here. Mark your calendars for an event near you. Don’t forget to participate in our #TakeActionMaine social media campaign.

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MCEDV Statement on Efforts to Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act

H.R. 1585, a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), was introduced in the United States House of Representatives last week. This bipartisan bill, sponsored by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pennsylvania) and Rep. Karen Bass (D-California), presents the opportunity to maintain crucial funding for victims’ services and strengthen VAWA’s commitment to at-risk communities.   The Violence Against Women Act…

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